Frequently Asked Questions

What is EcoPill?

EcoPill is the only solid fuel additive available for both diesel and gasoline engines. It’s primarily a nano-catalyst product.

What does it do?

The EcoPill will help you achieve better fuel efficiency, make your engine run cleaner and help you to be environment friendly. This ensures quick engine start-ups with less wear on the engine, saving you time and money. The EcoPill takes only minutes to dissolve in your fuel and it won’t leave behind any damaging or clogging particles of any kind.

Where is it manufactured?

The EcoPill is manufactured in the United States.

Is the EcoPill toxic for humans or for animals?

The EcoPill is toxic to humans and animals. Keep out of reach of children!!! If ingested by accident, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Has EcoPill been tested?

Yes, absolutely. All laboratory tests explaining how the product operates and confirming its performance are leading organizations such as EPA, Intertek, SGS and respected Motorsport facilities.

Can the EcoPill cause any damage to my vehicle’s catalytic converter?

No. In fact, since it improves combustion, the EcoPill has a cleaning effect on the catalytic converter.

Can the EcoPill be used with different octane Petrol?

Yes, the octane of petrol has different benefits to an engine and EcoPill only adds to it. Always use the recommended fuel as per your owner's manual.

Can I use the EcoPill in my high performance vehicle?

The higher the engine performance, the higher the stage of tune and the closer the engine tolerances are. Such an engine is much easier to foul, clog or upset its delicate balance in urban conditions. Under our videos section you can find various tests done on modified and high performance cars.

Is the EcoPill as effective in diesel fuel as it is in petrol?

The EcoPill takes a bit longer to completely dissolve in diesel fuels, but the effectiveness and performance is unchanged in comparison to Petrol fuels.

Should the EcoPill be used in fuel injection engines only?

Injectors or carburetors, EcoPill works just well as in both fuel delivery systems.

Will the usage of EcoPill affect the warranty of my new vehicle?

No. EcoPill does not take the fuel out of specification and as such you do not violate the warranty of the vehicle in that respect.

Does EcoPill block fuel filters or fuel delivery pumps?


Is the size of the fuel/diesel tank important?

The 70L EcoPill treats 10L to 70L, and the 140L EcoPill treats 70L to 140L fuel. We recommend using the pill for maximum volume (70L or 140L) to get the most financial benefits from the fuel saving.

Is the EcoPill used only in vehicles?

The EcoPill works in any combustion engine that operates on petrol or diesel fuel.

How to use EcoPill?

Before fuel fill-up, put pill in empty fuel tankPut one pill in fuel tank with maximum of 70L or 140L capacityFor motorcycles and vehicles with smaller tanks, you may split pill in half.Recommended to use upon every fill-up.

What does EPA stand for?

EPA means United States Environmental Protection Agency. A product that is EPA registered (such EcoPills and EcoLiquid) means that the product has been approved by EPA to be environment friendly

Collapsible rowWhat is Paris Climate Agreement?

Paris climate accord or Paris climate agreement is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance starting in the year 2020. The language of the agreement was negotiated by representatives of 196 parties at the 21st Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC in Paris and adopted by consensus on 12 December 2015. As of May 2018, 195 UNFCCC members have signed the agreement, and 177 have become party to it. The Agreement aims long-term goal of keeping the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels; and to aim to limit the increase to 1.5°C, since this would significantly reduce risks and the impacts of climate change.

What is emulsified water?

Emulsified Fuels are emulsions composed of water and a combustible liquid, either oil or a fuel. Emulsions are a particular example of a dispersion comprising a continuous and a dispersed phase. In the case of emulsions both phases are the immiscible liquids, oil and water.

What is Fuel Atomization?

Fuel must be atomized (broken into small particles); emulsified (mixed with air); and vaporized (changed into a rarefied form). Only then is gasoline a suitable fuel for an internal combustion engine. It is the carburetor job, in car engines, that prepares the gasoline to make that phase change from a liquid to a vapor.

What is Fuel Contamination?

Fuel contamination is a term used to describe the water and bacterial microbes that find a home in diesel and other fuels. If left untreated, the contaminants will grow and eventually render the fuel in which they reside useless.